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Oct 4, Posted in Fringe - 203 Fracture by Scully

Olivia’s Flashback – 203

Here are some screen caps of Olivia’s flashback.  Most of them are direct shots from the finale last year “There’s More Than One Of Everything”.  Some of the shots were upside-down or mirror images, which we have seen Fringe use before (Inner Child for one).  But the last two shots are different.  The last shot, I believe is a close-up of WIlliam Bell’s face, but I’m not sure.  The second last shot is of William Bell using his oxygen mask, which we did not see last year.  Either it was from part of a scene that was cut or it’s from a scene that we have yet to see.

Click below to view the rest of the screen caps.

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May 10, Posted in Fringe - 119 The Road Not Taken > Fringe - 120 There's More Than One Of Everything > Theories & Speculation by Scully

Where is William Bell?

I was just reviewing the spoiler for the finale…





“Leonard Nimoy hops on board as William Bell. Olivia is gonna find herself in an odd position, she’s been searching for him, looking for answers as to what experiments he may have done on her [as a child], but suddenly, she’s going to have to protect Bell from a familiar foe.”

William Bell


In an interview with Anna Torv she says that it’s not so much THAT she meets Bell, but WHERE she meets Bell.


What if Olivia meets William Bell in her alternate universe. Maybe ‘HE IS HERE’ is the next episode clue. Nina said to Broyles ‘He is traveling’ in reference to Bell, but it was the way she said it. Like using the word ‘traveling’ was true, just not in the conventional way.


What if William Bell is somehow trapped in another dimension or hiding? Maybe this is why he is never around.


I don’t know who the ‘familiar foe’ would be…maybe Jones? Or what about John Scott? He might not be dead in that universe. Back to the tombstone ‘HE’S NOT DEAD’.


Just a thought.

Apr 30, Posted in Fringe - 118 Midnight > Massive Dynamic > Theories & Speculation by Scully

ZFT – Helping or Hindering?

Dr. Boone, when talking about ‘XT43′, said that it was designed to show off.  Show off to who (whom)?  Show off to the Observers?  Would the meaning of that statement be more accurate if he said ‘to intimidate’?


I am bouncing this theory off of the Quantum Physics theory about parallel universes.  Could it be possible that ZFT is actually trying to help the human race?  If they know about the Observers, and they are aware that both worlds will be destroyed, or they know the Observers’ intentions, then perhaps they are just trying to let the Observers know…’We are not unprepared.’  ‘We will fight for our right to survive.’


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