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May 8, Posted in Fringe - 101 Pilot > Fringe - 119 The Road Not Taken > Theories & Speculation by Scully

MD & ZFT friends or foes?

Are Massive Dynamic and ZFT friends or foes? This should be an easy question to answer…FRIENDS…William Bell is the founder of Massive Dynamic and he funds ZFT.  What more do you need, right?  Wrong.  There are some things that don’t seem to add up for me.


#1 – The manifesto.  OK, so William Bell wrote the original and then ZFT ripped out the pages on ethics to make the manuscript suit their needs.  This would lean more towards ZFT being some sort of rogue group.  A faction that has strayed from the original goal perhaps for money or power, who knows.


#2 – Harris seemed to be working for Massive Dynamic.  He was very upset when he found out about the investigation into MD.  And when Jones turned himself in to the FBI, Harris was very hostile towards him.  Harris obviously knew Jones, there are pictures of him all over  he wall of the warehouse where Harris was running his tests.  This also seems to be confirmed by the scratched out photo of Jones.  You don’t scratch out the face of a colleague who has died or gone missing.

Jones, Jones and more Jones.


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Apr 30, Posted in Fringe - 118 Midnight > Massive Dynamic > Theories & Speculation by Scully

ZFT – Helping or Hindering?

Dr. Boone, when talking about ‘XT43′, said that it was designed to show off.  Show off to who (whom)?  Show off to the Observers?  Would the meaning of that statement be more accurate if he said ‘to intimidate’?


I am bouncing this theory off of the Quantum Physics theory about parallel universes.  Could it be possible that ZFT is actually trying to help the human race?  If they know about the Observers, and they are aware that both worlds will be destroyed, or they know the Observers’ intentions, then perhaps they are just trying to let the Observers know…’We are not unprepared.’  ‘We will fight for our right to survive.’


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